Sunday, July 21, 2013

LB's Bag

Ok one bag down two to go. Oddly enough I found packing LB's bag both exciting and nerve raking. I've never spent so much time trying to figure out what to pack in my life. Maybe it's because I don't know if LB will be a girl or a boy. I wanted to pick something cute to bring LB home in, but it was a little overwhelming in the sense that I can't really wash anything until we know what the gender is.. (For the gender specific clothes). So I decided to just pack new stuff and I figure LB will be fine for the short car rid home.

So what did I pack:
1. The most important piece of the baby's bag. Its the Core Blood Kit that Aunti Erin gave us. I told Chris if we forget everything else this CBR Box has to come with us or else he is making a very fast trip back home to pick it up. You never know this may save LB's life.

2. Turtle Paci - Still not sure I'm going to use a paci, but just in case I want to have one with me.

3. Two receiving blankets from Aunti Tracy. I picked the goldfish one since she loves fish I thought it would bring good luck to us.

4. Three separate outfits that have multiple pieces to them. Mainly because I just couldn't decide what to pack. At least this way we will be covered for either a boy or a girl and one spare outfit... just in case LB has the same stomach reflexes as it's mother does. God knows we will need a lot of burp clothes if that's the case.

5. Two pairs of sleeper sacks to make things easier for mom and dad at night for those late night changes.

6. Two cute hats: boy hat is the red crab, and the girl had is white with a teal flower.

7. Nursing cover up. I don't care what anyone says about "not caring who sees what in the hospital" I care! Hence the cover up.

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