Wednesday, September 18, 2013

For Ryley

Dear Baby Boy Ryley,

It's your momma writting you. Today marks your 1 month birthday. Your daddy and I love you more than words can express. You have given us such happiness and opened our eyes to how great of a love we have for eachother. You bring us laughter and a sense of tomorrow.

We love you more every minute of every day.

Happy Birthday Peanut.

Love Momma


Today marks the birthday of Ryley. It's hard to believe that he is already a month old today. As I sit here this morning with him snug up against me I have taken a moment to reflect on what a miracle he is.

Nealy 8 months ago we found out he has a medical condition. We didn't know if we would see the day that we would get to hold him in our arms.

Now it's been a month post birth and he amazes us daily. He is strong, bright eyed, vocal and loves being close. He is our miracle baby by all means.

Before I started typing I had to break loose the tight grip he had on my finger. He is strong beyond words which will serve him well in the next months to come.  As I looked down at my little peanut and just soaked up the moment I realized that I am the luckiest girl in the world. He is here in my arms, there is not much more I could ask for.

Tears come to my eyes as I think about having to hand him over to the surgeons. Though in my head I know it has to be done. I can't bear to think about being without him for those long hours that will surly pass slowly. Holding our breath till we hear him cry again.

So you may ask, is he a good baby? Does he cry, does he sleep. Well to me he is the perfect baby. As for does he cry, yes... and this momma loves the sound of that cry, it may sound strange but to me a cry means there is life!  So for sleeping, well he sleeps like any other baby.. He wakes up about the time I go to sleep. Though it is all worth it and when I pick him up to comfort him and he opens his big blue eyes I realize that I could just stare at him all night, no matter what time of the night it is.

The first month has been a blur.. I can't seem to take enough photos of him to capture all his uniqueness, but with any lucky I catch some of it.

Someone asked me is it what you expected? I replied with yes, it's even more. The moment I heard him cry I think my heart did a double beat.

So as I embrace the time I have at home with my little peanut I still count my blessings at night that he is here with us. The time will go by quickly and I will have to return to work, though he wont be far away from me I think I will have to print out about a billion photos and cover my cube in them. Just so I can function at work.